Tech pisstakers

Humorous naked tech

BIOS and motherboard Skype hacks

I learnt that, to all intents and purposes, Skype hacks your computer (with your permission) in order to route other users’ phone calls around the internet. People are indignant, but what should we expect from a system that works on the back of a P2P infrastructure. I expect the moaners are the same ones who loved Kazaa?

Looking a bit deeper into Skype, ie beyond the end of my nose, I see there is another cause for concern. Pagetable reveal that when you log on to Skype, they tap into your BIOS and motherboard serial number to verify your user info.

So, that is a bit like picking up your phone and before you talk, the telecom company asks for your phone serial number, how many times you have phoned out, and are you the only user.

When you put it like that, this BIOS / motherboard check doesn’t seem so intrusive. In fact, thank god Skype can work out what they need to know to keep their system working properly, without engaging you in a conversation. Can you imagine the inconvenience of turning your phone upside down and trying to remember the first long number you see, only to be told it is the other long number, stupid!

The naked tech truth is that free comes at a price. That is surely the biggest lesson people need to learn when they use the internet. I will now get off my soapbox as quickly as I got on it.

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January 17, 2008 Posted by | Humor, phone | , , , | 2 Comments